Resolution mechanisms

Reporting mechanisms: to report allegations of research misconduct you should report it to the designated person responsible for ethical issues at the institution,, with copy to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. You must be sure that your name will be kept strictly confidential.
Investigation process: will be carried out by a neutral investigation committee that follows established protocols for conducting interviews, collecting evidence, and making recommendations.
Confidentiality: we ensure strict confidentiality throughout the investigation process in order to protect accused and the accuser. All participants will be required to sign confidentiality agreements.

Training and education: we  provide training and education on research integrity to all individuals involved in research, including students, faculty, and staff.
Reporting of Allegations: Anyone who suspects research misconduct should report it to the institution's  designated person by email to Reports may be made anonymously, and the designated person will investigate the allegations.
Findings of Misconduct: If the investigation finds evidence of research misconduct, the institution will usually take disciplinary action. This may include retracting publications, revoking degrees, or terminating employment.
Appeals Process: Individuals who are accused of research misconduct have the right to appeal the findings and the disciplinary action taken against them.

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